Coaldale Council Favorable to Swimming Pool

Coaldale Council Favorable to Swimming Pool
(Coaldale Observer, July 12, 1919)


Samuel Boyle, Jr., and J.H. Gildea, representing the War Chest, waited on Town Council Tuesday evening relative to the swimming pool proposition, Councilmen present at the meeting being: President Davis, Jones, Maguire, Foster and Willing.

Mr. Boyle explained the War Chest’s stand in the matter, which body has not committed itself to the erection of a swimming pool, merely appointing a committee to investigate the matter from every angle and to report back to the War Chest. He explained the committee’s work as having advanced to the point where tentative plans were drawn up and an estimated cost for the work obtained and then the committee faced its hardest proposition—a suitable site and the problem of providing for its future upkeep and maintenance.

The site most forcibly suggesting itself was the plot of ground adjoining the Town Hall and the lot of F.J. Duffy adjoining it. The organization best suited to maintain the pool was considered to be Town Council and in this way the proposition was put up to that body.

Borough Solicitor Duffy being present, President Davis asked for his opinion in the matter, the legal point as to whether Council could grant the use of ground for such purposes and then assume the responsibility of its maintenance being involved. Mr. Duffy promptly cleared up the legal point and then argued forcibly and well on Council’s not only having a legal right but a moral right as well to provide this convenience for the youth of town.

A motion by Foster seconded by Jones was then passed without a dissenting vote granting the War Chest permission to proceed with the erection of pool on desired ground, accepting in behalf of this and future Councils the burden of its maintenance, providing ground adjoining the town hall plot is also purchased and deeded over to the borough.

It now remains for the War Chest to carry out the project and if the children of town have the necessary faith in prayers, they should include in their petitions the hope for two or three excessively warm Tuesday evenings in succession. The proposition can be carried out if the weather man does his part.