Lansford Evening Record - November 11, 1963
$6,000 Goal Set
by By Coaldale lions
For Ambulance

The Coaldale Lions Club has embarked on a drive to solicit
funds for a new ambulance. They have set a minimum goal of
$6,000 considering the trade-in allowance of the 1956 model
and the present ambulance treasury.

This will be the third communitv ambulance for Coaldale. The ambulance is the only one in the Panther Valley area in which town residents have free ambulance service within a hundred mile radius.

The present mileage on the ambulance is 29,340 miles. Its trips during the past six years were: 1957,116 calls made; 1958, 158; 1969. 110; 1960. 127; 1961, 132; and 1962, 115, for a total of 758 calls.

In October of 1956 the current ambulance was purchased for
$11,591.00. The 1956 drive amounted to $7.500 and the balance
was paid from the existing treasury.

The new ambulance will be known as the Randolph B. Harvey Memorial Ambulance. The late administrator was active in the two previous drives.